Today I am 23, doesn't it sound so much older than 22? Yikes!
Remember the pretty Hayley's bag? This scarf was inside, it's lovely!! I also got some new supplies. My mom picked 'em up at Archivers. Thanks momma!! Oh & my grandparents gave me time =)
Since I'm new to the blogging world I figured today is the perfect day to share a little about my life...
People in my life -
My mom. She is a crazy, awesome person!! By far the coolest mom ever.
Yep, she's sledding! |
My dad. If you ever wanna hang out outdoors, my dad's your man! He loves to hunt, fish, and trap.
KW, Ooitz, and Little Sky. KW is HILARIOUS!! Ooitz is super SMART!! Sky is so SWEET!!
Daxton, my boyfriend. He is a total sweetheart, I love, love, love him!!! He has been so supportive of my crafty habit & makes me smile everyday. -did I mention he is an amazing team roper? & he rides stock saddle too... =)
Stock Bronc Homdale, ID '11 |
<3 |
7 Random Things-
I absolutely LOVE singing!! & I am HORRIBLE at it, just ask my brothers. =)
I am missing three knuckles; two on my left hand & one on my right hand.
I worked as a sage-grouse technician for one summer. All I did was drive around tracking and trapping these birds!
I am deaf in my right ear & hear a constant ringing.
I HATE spiders...eww, I get squirmy just thinking about them!
I am a chronic speeder. I cannot help it, Sadee (my little car) just loves to fly along.
I like to add the numbers 12, 40 or 89 when explaining things; e.g., 'The wind made it 89 times colder...'
Best Parts of Being 22-
*Graduating from college...I miss my friends soo much tho.
*Las Vegas trip with Daxton to watch NFR & Criss Angel --> this guy is crazy legit!
*Two trips to D.C., I was a sophomore in high school & I passed on a trip to the grand opening of the Native American Smithsonian to play volleyball. I knew I would have other opportunities to travel back and I have.
*Getting to know my grandpa, he just recently moved back to the reservation.
*Traveling to visit Gramma Edie second semester...loved going to the Epler lunches with her.
*Getting Daxton to ride the Panic Plunge in Cashmere, WA & the Ferris Wheel at Scheels in Reno, NV =)
*All the small things: dinners, unplanned trips, afternoons just lounging, pretty pictures, jokes with friends, meeting new people, great opportunities.
Have an awesome day, I know I will!!!